The Vignette - Austria's Motorway Toll Sticker

All Austrian motorways (“Autobahn”) and expressways (“S” roads) are subject to toll. Find out where to get and how to display your vignette toll sticker here.

I) The “Vignette” Toll Sticker

All vehicles with a maximum weight of up to 3.5 t (e.g. motor bikes, cars) require a so-called “vignette” toll sticker to travel on Austrian motorways and expressways. Motor bikes with sidecars only require a toll sticker for two-wheeled vehicles; those with two wheels on one of their axles (e.g. trikes) require a car toll sticker.

Find more information on the toll sticker here.

How to Get the Vignette

You must either display a physical toll sticker on the inside windshield of your vehicle as you enter Austria or have a valid digital toll sticker:

Vignette 2024

1. Physical Toll Sticker

Physical stickers can be obtained from the Austrian Automobile Clubs as well as post offices, newsagents, and petrol stations. You can also purchase stickers in Austria’s neighbouring countries at petrol stations, borders, and Automobile Clubs. Cars rented in neighbouring countries may or may not be equipped with the sticker. Please obtain one from your car rental agency.

You must display the sticker on the inside of the windshield of your vehicle as you enter Austria. Please note, the vignette must be stuck to your windshield in order to be valid. Failure to do so will mean a heavy, on-the-spot fine.

Digitale Vignette

2. Digital Toll Sticker

A digital version of the toll sticker is now available. You can get it in one of two ways:

Buy online on your device

Go to the ASFINAG online shop or download the ASFINAG app "Unterwegs" to your phone.

The digital vignette is available for 1 year, 2 months, 10 days or 1 day. Please be aware that the tickets for 1 year and 2 months are only valid from the 18th day after the online purchase, while the other two are valid immediately.

Buy at a sales point

You can also buy the digital toll sticker at a physical sales office or a vending machine. In this case, all digital vignettes are valid immediately.

Toll Sticker Prices 2024

  • Motor bikes (single-track motor vehicles, including motor bikes with sidecars)

    • One-year toll sticker: € 38.50
    • Two-month toll sticker: € 11.50
    • Ten-day toll sticker: € 4.60 
  • Cars, trucks, and motorhomes with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 t

    • One-year toll sticker: € 96.40
    • Two-month toll sticker: € 28.90
    • Ten-day toll sticker: € 11.50 

II) The “GO-Box” for Vehicles Exceeding 3.5 t

Drivers of vehicles with a permissible maximum weight exceeding 3.5 t (e.g. heavy goods vehicles, buses, heavy mobile homes) must pay a mileage-based toll for the use of motorways and expressways.

To be able to pay this toll, you need to get a so-called GO-Box before you drive onto a motorway or expressway. The toll can only be paid if you have a GO-Box, which is available from many petrol stations and other GO-Box partners in Austria. You can find a full list of outlets here.

The rates depend, among other things, on the number of axles, the number of kilometres driven, and the vehicle's EURO emission class.

Find rates and more information here.

  •                 Streckenmaut 2024

    Vignette Download Folder Vignette Download Folder

    Please find more information about the Vignette here.

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